Even when you feel no urge to fight,
your enemies do.
The battle isn’t optional.
Life is an endless war.
The flame was his hope.
When it died, he despaired.
When he let go, he found.
Love sworn in comfort is not love tested.
A straw pillow and cold nights
Reveal the truth.
Po caught and released butterflies without harm.
I caught one and held on too long.
She died in my hands.
Now, there are 9,998 butterflies.
Weak men dream of the future.
Strong men know they may not see it.
Death is near.
All day. Every day.
Align your actions, your will and your thoughts.
Make sure they are true,
And the universe will give you
Whatever You Want.
Wealth and power feel sweet—until you see the sword above.
Luxury fades. Fear remains.
Such is the fate of
Talk too much, and your words lose weight.
Silence sharpens speech.
Speak less. Mean more.
Failure is not a teacher.
It is an enemy.
Fight it. Conquer it. Win.
In the cold, Po and the tiger found unity.
Survival before battle.
When warmth remained, so did
Dreams do not bring mastery.
Only practice. Only discipline.
Exhaustion stole my dreams.
The bandits sought wisdom without discipline.
Po told them the story.
They learned nothing.
One fell dead. The others left confused.
You may have jumped on the train late
But you will still get to your destination.
This isn't about trains
Pain carves depth into life
Darkness fuels the brightest flames.
Feel everything. Burn brighter.
He swore he would rise after every fall.
He fell once.
And never rose again.
The storm shattered the temple.
“We don’t know how to fix it” I said.
Po whispered, “Do you know my name?”
Seventy-five years later, we did.
The branch struck.
Pain consumed me.
“For once,” Po said
“Your mind is pure.”
Arashi came to test Wudan.
Po touched his chest—soft as a butterfly’s wing.
"You did nothing," Po said.
Arashi bowed and never left.
You are exactly where you need to be
Your circumstances have been given to you by nature
As the foundation from which to
Build Your Destiny
If a man truly believes he can rip your head off with his little finger.
Whether you believe him or not.
You wouldn’t want him to try.
Don’t Underestimate Self Belief.
Enjoy the pain, Enjoy the struggle.
See beauty in all the challenges sent your way.
The harder the battle
The Greater The Victory.
The universe is simply a giant chain of cause and effect
When you understand why things happen.
You can then make things happen.
I asked Po about his scar.
He struck me, leaving the same mark.
"Curiosity," he said.
Bravery and cowardice are very simillar
Both are afriad but one
Fights Regardless.
The road to greatness won’t feel right,
You’ll hate the grind, but push through tight
If ease were king, all would stand tall
But struggle’s the test—it shapes us all
One day, the student’s time will end
And mastery’s path will soon begin
Until that day, give all you’ve got
Your future self needs you a lot
The world may scorn your name,
Yet it thrives because you play the game.
Respect is fleeting, that much is true,
But build a life for those who need you.
Plan B is the enemy of Plan A
Just decdicate yourself for once in your life.
And you're guaranteed to win.
You don't need motivation
Shift your mind
and you will shift your success
Last Updated: 11/03/2025